
County:   Todd
Region:  West Central
Distance from Minneapolis: 132  
Distance from nearest MSA:   72 miles from St. Cloud MSA
US Congressional District: 7
MN Legislative District: 11B
Web site:   http://browervillemn.com

New Residents Information

The City of Browerville provides residents water, wastewater and refuse disposal. Minnesota Power and Center point Energy provide electricity and natural gas to our community, for contact information click on New Residents Information.

Water/Wastewater Information

The City of Browerville has a Mechanical Plant for waste water management capable of handling industrial businesses. In addition to the large capacity wastewater system, the City also has a water tower with a capacity of 300,000 gallons.

Medical Care

Browerville is proud to host the Browerville Volunteer Ambulance Service.  In addition to the ambulance, the Browerville residents have access to a medical clinic and chiropractic care.  The nearest hospital is only 8 miles away with specialty doctors available as needed.  For more information click on Medical Care.