City Government

The Government Structure of the City of Browerville is Home Rule Charter. The Form of government organization is a weak mayor-council, under this plan, administrative and legislative authority is the council's ultimate responsibility. The powers of the mayor are generally no greater or less than those of any other member of the council.


The mayor is elected for 2 year terms and council members are elected for alternating 4 year terms.  Elections are held on the first Tuesday after the First monday in November in even-numbered years.

In addition to the elected officials, the City employs one full time City Administrator, Public Works-Water-Waste Water Director, and a Liquor Store Manager. 

Home Rule Charter City Information Link to League of Minnesota Cities Handbook chapter 4 Home Room Charter City
Charter Charter of the City of Browerville


The City of Browerville, in compliance with State laws, is hereby posting the Campaign Finance Forms for all candidates.